Capsim® V6 Now Available for Free Download. For Links See here.
See Silicon DSP Corporation's announcement on Free Download for Capsim® V6 on Windows and Linux (64 bit) here.
Detailed Audio Visual Demos 
CAPSIM is a hierarchical highly interactive graphical block diagram simulation and design system for digital signal processing (DSP) and communications. All Capsim models are written in C with provisions for parameters, input /output buffers, internal state maintenance, and three phases of execution: initialization, run-time and wrap-up. CAPSIM is provided with an integrated interactive plotting package for unprecedented plotting capability.
CAPSIM incorporates an integrated interpreter for scripting the block diagram for performing iterative simulations for optimization and sensitivity analysis. The TCL based interpreter and C blocks support the solving of real and complex eigenvalue problems, and singular value problems through LAPACK in addition to systems of simultaneous linear equations and least-squares solutions of linear systems of equations.
CAPSIM based designs have resulted in the rapid introduction of new products into the market. Start your projects with CAPSIM's built in models and extensive DSP and communications applications. Then easily incorporate your own custom C models into CAPSIM.
Capsim has built in IIR and FIR filter design packages. It also includes a pole-zero design package. A comprehensive transmission line and plane wave analysis package is also included in Capsim. See the Capsim selected capabilities list.
CAPSIM can be run in text mode for access from non-graphical interfaces. Moreover, Capsim can be run in batch mode under the control of PERL scripts for complex iterative simulations using combinations of parameters. Top
Supported Platforms (See here)
- Linux 64 bit ( Motif)
- For Multiplatform Support Capsim V7 is Developed using Qt. Capsim V7 will also be a free download. See the CCDSP Blog for updates.
Capsim Highlights Top
- Simultaneous support for text only and full interactive graphics.
- Detailed simulation of complex systems in an hierarchical fashion.
- Rapid prototyping of concepts and ideas.
- Block diagram scripting. Built in interpreter with support for solving of real and complex eigenvalue problems, and singular value problems and solutions to linear systems.
- Waveform simulation.
- Synchronous and Asynchronous Data Flow
- Simultaneous Physical and Network Layer simulation.
- Built in IIR and FIR filter Design with interactive Pole-Zero CAD Package.
- Image creation, manipulation, sub-sampling, interpolation and display with colormaps.
- Multirate signal processing
- Floating point, integer, character, fixed point(1-64 bit) and complex connection buffers including support for images.
- MIMO OFDM Support.
- Project management through the close agreement between Capsim simulation and actual hardware components and sub-systems performance during the course of a project.
- Early detection of design draw backs and rapid introduction of alternative designs.
- Written completely in C for maximum portability.
- Capsim has been designed for easy integration of custom models written in C.
- Custom blocks can also be built from the Capsim standard library of primitive models with minimum writing of code.
- Support for finite wordlength models both for fixed point and floating point arithmetic.
- Dynamic plotting of eye diagrams, scatter plots, time-frequency domain plots and images.
- Postprocessing plotting tools for time-domain and frequency domain plots, eye diagrams, histograms, scatter plots, polar plots, etc.
- Source code for models and DSP routines.
- Auto fan-in and fan-out on stars such as adders, sources, probes, logic gates, multiplexers, etc.
- Iterative simulations.
- Applications including 9600 bps modems, the digital subscriber loop, adaptive filters, FFTs, analog modulation and demodulation, multirate signal processing, memory management, ethernet CSMA/CD modeling, transmission line modeling, speech processing, image processing, error free transmission over noisy channels (ARQ) and many more. These include theory and simulation results.
- Canned applications for course work development and class projects on baseband and passband digital communications with timing recovery, adaptive filtering (echo cancellation and equalization with decision feedback), analog modulation/demodulation ...
- Support for speech processing including LPC analysis, cepstrum analysis, spectrograms etc.
- A complete document set includes a reference manual, tutorials and techniques for writing custom models with auto fan-in/fan-out, feed through models, sources, and basic processing blocks. Documention on over a hundred models is also included. Top